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The Fight Club - Boxed Set Page 10

  Katy wanted to grin from ear to ear. He cared. He did. He had a funny way of showing it, but he cared. He also didn’t need to know she thought so highly of him. As it was, everything she said went to his head. “Fine.” She turned around and headed for the door without waiting for him to finish with his shoes. She was in the garage, inside the truck, and putting on her seatbelt before he shut the back door.

  “It’s nice out this morning,” he said as he backed out of the driveway.

  “It was.” Was she laying it on too thick?

  A glance in his direction told her not to worry. He was grinning. Damn him.

  When they arrived at the park, the look on Jenna’s face was priceless. Her mouth hung open as Katy stepped from the truck and headed toward her. “Um, did you decide to bring a bodyguard to keep ignorant drivers from running us down?”

  Katy’s eyes widened and she subtly shook her head at Jenna. She hadn’t mentioned the incident at the park last week. All she needed was for Rafe to have more fuel for his burning fire.

  Jenna gasped. “What happened to your face?”

  Katy rolled her eyes. “Long story. I’ll explain while we run.”

  Rafe stepped past her and extended his hand. “Rafe. You must be Jenna?”

  Jenna nodded and took his hand.

  “What’s this about a bodyguard?” He turned toward Katy. “Did something happen here last week? Why didn’t you tell me?”

  Katy bit her lower lip. “I forgot?”

  “Like hell.” He rubbed his hands over his face, clearly attempting to keep his aggravation at bay.

  She had no doubt she would get the riot act later, but at least he didn’t lay into her in front of Jenna.

  Instead he glanced around and stretched his arms over his head as though he needed to do so before he ran.

  Katy knew well enough he was fighting the need to question her further.

  “So where do you ladies run and how far?”

  “So you’ll be joining us?” Jenna asked as though that weren’t obvious.

  Rafe nodded. “Yeah. Katy will explain on the way. She’s so good at keeping her friends informed.” The dig didn’t go unnoticed.

  Katy chose to ignore the jibe and nodded toward the path. “Let’s go. This nice bodyguard I have with me will stay back enough to give us some privacy. He’s a swell helper.”

  Katy watched as Jenna tucked her lips under, fighting laughter. “Yeah. I bet.”

  They jogged a bit slower than usual and Katy explained everything that had happened over the last week.

  “Shit. No wonder you brought Rafe along with you.” Her eyes were wide. “Aren’t you fucking out of your mind scared? Who the hell do you think is stalking you?”

  “No idea. And yes, I’m scared, but there’s no sense getting hysterical about it. And I haven’t had a moment to myself since Friday night.”

  “Your face is swollen. And you’re eyes are bloodshot.”

  “Yeah. It’s much better than yesterday. No real damage. Mostly a bloody nose.”

  “Well, I’d take him up on the offer to keep you safe. You’re damn lucky he came along when he did.” Jenna glanced over her shoulder at Rafe, keeping a nice pace behind them, true to his word. “I for one wouldn’t fuck with anyone that size with those muscles if I were a bad guy. He’s a good deterrent.” She lowered her voice. “And if he cuts down on the battery usage from the items you keep in your bedside table, think of the savings.”

  “Jenna. No you did not!” Katy hissed.

  Jenna giggled and darted to the side to keep from getting slapped when Katy swung at her.

  Katy didn’t turn around. She didn’t want to know if he’d heard Jenna. It would only make her blush.


  Rafe couldn’t hear everything the ladies said, but he heard enough to know they were talking about him. And he had to fight to keep from smiling. He knew Katy liked him. She’d made that clear on many occasions, but to get the approval of the girlfriend meant the world. He wasn’t stupid. A chick’s friends could make or break a relationship. Judging from the glances he’d gotten from Jenna, he was in.

  When they finished running, Jenna thanked Rafe for keeping an eye on her friend and they parted ways. Rafe drove Katy back to her place and waited while she grabbed a few more things. He followed her back to his house, perusing the area everywhere they went as if he were actually the bodyguard she referred to him as.

  Running behind her had been no chore. She was fit. In better shape than most women he’d known. She ran hard and didn’t seem winded. He liked that about her. In fact the pile of things he admired about Katy Marks was growing. And her fine ass encased in those tight jogging pants of hers was high on the list.

  They each headed to their respective bathrooms when they got back to the house. Rafe leaned against the tile wall, cool water running down his body while he gripped his cock and closed his eyes. He’d needed release for twenty-four hours, and this was the first time he’d felt like he could get away with masturbating without her knowing.

  It didn’t take long. All he had to do was visualize Katy in a similar situation in the next bathroom, and he was fighting the need to groan out loud in no time. In his mind, Katy stood beneath the spray of the shower plucking her nipples until she had to bite that lower lip of hers to keep from screaming. She smoothed her palms down her body, held her pussy open with one hand, and pushed two fingers into her channel with the other. Her head fell back and she lifted up on her toes at the contact.

  Rafe’s skin heated at the image, though the water was lukewarm.

  When he came, he came hard. He turned toward the wall and rested his forehead against the tile as he caught his breath. Katy was going to push him right over the cliff if he wasn’t careful. That woman was under his skin and he fiercely wanted her under his sheets.

  That afternoon they settled on the couch to watch a movie, Katy curled up on one end, her body language telling him to give her some space. If she were truly his, he never would have consented to giving her that option when he badly wanted to hold her in his arms while they watched. But if she were his, in every sense of the thought, they also wouldn’t be lounging around watching television. He had way better ideas, many of them.

  A knock at the door startled them both as the final credits were playing.

  Rafe stood and padded to answer. He looked out the peephole first and frowned when he saw the officer from the other night outside.

  He opened the door to a man with a serious expression. “Sorry to just stop by. Seemed easiest. Do you two have a minute?” He glanced past Rafe to Katy who stood and headed their way.

  “Of course. Come in.” Rafe opened the door and led the officer to the living room. They all sat on the edge of their seats.

  “We found a match to the prints we took off the door and the frame.”

  “Wow. That was fast.” Katy wiped her hands on her jeans.

  “Yes. Well, when someone is already in the system, it’s easy to find them. The hard part is when the perpetrator hasn’t been arrested before. This guy just got out of jail.” He opened the file he’d carried in with him and turned it to face Katy and Rafe on the couch, setting it on the coffee table. “Do you know this man?”

  Katy leaned forward and stared for a second. “Shit. Yes. I defended him when I was working for the state after I passed the bar.”

  “Apparently you didn’t win that case,” the officer added.

  “No. He was guilty. He didn’t stand a chance. He’s lucky they didn’t put him away for life. The bastard got a lighter sentence thanks to me.”

  “Well, thanks to your help, he’s out now, and he doesn’t seem to be very happy with your lighter sentence.” The officer stuffed the papers back into the folder.

  Rafe spoke next. “Have you picked him up yet?”

  The man glanced at him with a serious expression. “No. But we’re working on it. No one knows where he is and he hasn’t checked in with his parole officer s
ince he was released. Can you stay here a while longer while we work on it? I’m hoping this jackass doesn’t know where you are. He’s bound to get caught in the next few days. I’ll keep you posted as soon as I know anything.” He stood.

  Rafe followed him to the door. “Thanks. Katy will be here until you find him.”

  The man nodded and left.

  Rafe turned to find Katy slumped on the couch with her face in her hands.

  “You okay?” he asked as he returned to her side.

  “Yeah.” She lifted her head. “Just stunned. I never expected anything like this to happen.”

  Rafe rubbed her back. “Of course you didn’t.”

  She looked at him. “I have to work this week. I have so much on my plate.”

  Rafe nodded. “I’ll drop you off and pick you up from the office. Will that work? No way will that guy waltz into a large law firm all cocky.”

  “Okay.” She nodded.

  Rafe exhaled the breath he held. At least she was seeing reason finally.

  Chapter Twelve

  Katy lived on pins and needles all week. Rafe brought her to work every day and picked her up every night. Police came by her office at least once a day. Everyone in the building was aware of her predicament. She was living the nightmare every lawyer feared might one day happen to them.

  She was one of the lucky ones though. At least the police knew who they were looking for, and she was well protected in the meantime. But the stress of waiting wore on her and by Friday night she was a mass of nerves.

  Rafe picked her up early and she’d made a beeline for the shower to rinse off the disgusting feeling she acquired every time the cops showed her more pictures and provided an update.

  Rafe had a fight at seven and he hadn’t discussed with her what she would do during the fight. She imagined she would hang out in her uncle’s office. The fight was a small one being held in the home gym, and she owed her uncle a long explanation about what had been happening in her life for the last few weeks.

  She hadn’t called her parents. They lived in Virginia and she didn’t want to worry them. Uncle Joe was her only local relative. He deserved an update.

  She hadn’t mentioned her relationship with Rafe yet, and Rafe assured her he hadn’t broken her confidence.

  She took a deep breath. She had a lot of explaining to do. Uncle Joe would be confused as hell about her arrival with Rafe and then he’d probably punch a hole in the wall when he heard the rest.

  Katy stared into her suitcase, trying to decide what to wear. She had never expected to stay at Rafe’s this long and hadn’t bothered to unpack into the drawers Rafe pointed out nearly every day.

  It was hot. She was thirsty. She pulled on a matching panty and bra set and then rummaged around trying to figure out what she had that would be comfortable enough for the evening.

  When she stood, holding a camisole and shorts in her hands, she had a wicked idea.

  She’d been here a week. After the strange argument she’d had with Rafe on Sunday, neither had spoken about their weird living arrangement again. Katy’s plate had been too full to care. But it was the weekend. No better time to pull out the stops and force Rafe’s hand.

  Whatever he needed to say, he was either going to have to say it, or be tortured by her traipsing around his house half-naked. She grinned. Why hadn’t she thought of that before?

  Dropping the clothes she held on the bed, she padded from the room as though it weren’t remotely out of the ordinary for her to walk around in her bra and panties. She’d chosen a lacy black set. If he was immune to that, she might as well throw in the towel.

  Rafe stood in the kitchen leaning against the counter with a bottle of water in his hand. He’d been about to take a sip when she came in. It took herculean effort to feign innocence and keep a straight face as she walked past him, opened the refrigerator, and leaned over at the waist to grab her own water bottle. “It’s so hot,” she said as she righted herself and twisted off the cap.

  Rafe hadn’t moved a muscle, when she faced him. His eyes were huge, but he still held the half-tilted bottle in the air. His mouth hung open.

  “Aren’t you hot?” she asked as she rolled the bottle across her neck and chest.

  Rafe gulped. She could actually hear him. “What the hell are you doing?” he growled.

  “Getting a drink.” She gave him what she hoped was a quizzical look.

  “Go put some damn clothes on, woman.”

  She glanced down. “I’m decent.”

  “Like hell, you are.” He turned and set his water on the counter.

  “My bikini covers less of me than this and I wear it to the pool.”

  “We aren’t at the pool.” His voice was low, steady.

  She shrugged, proud of herself for not breaking from her stance. The look on his face was worth all the money she had in the bank. He was most assuredly not immune to her. She’d felt less and less sexy every day for a week as he ignored her. Now she suddenly felt like the sexiest creature on Earth. If he opened his eyes any wider, they’d pop out.

  Rafe came toward her. If he’d been a cat, or a lion, his look would have been appropriate. He narrowed his gaze at her and pinned her to her spot. When he reached her, he took her shoulders in his hands and physically turned her around. “Get dressed right now before I decide to take you over my knee and spank your naked ass.”

  All the blood ran out of Katy’s face. Thank God she wasn’t facing him anymore. She didn’t take a single step. She couldn’t. She was too busy processing what he’d said. Did he threaten to spank her?

  Yes. Yes he did. And why on earth is that making you wetter than you’ve been all week?

  The idea of his hands on her body, bending her over his lap and laying his palm on her ass made her so fucking aroused, she couldn’t command her legs to move. She didn’t care what he did with his hand. Even spanking her would be better than ignoring her at this point.

  Waltzing around pretending he wasn’t affected by her presence had eaten at her for seven days. And now this? She wanted anything in the world he offered and she didn’t give a fuck what the hell was wrong with her. “Promise?”

  Rafe tightened the grip he had on her shoulders. His breath landed on her neck as they stood there suspended in time. She wished she could see his eyes but also thanked God he couldn’t see the flush rushing down her cheeks and across her chest.

  Finally he spoke again, his voice calm and soft. “You have no idea what you’re asking for, Katy.”

  “Don’t I?” She finally spun around to face him, no longer caring what he saw or thought he knew about her. “I’ll take it.”

  “Take what?” He stepped back.

  “The spanking.” Her hands shook, but she held her ground. “That option sounds much better than the current arrangement where you ignore me and I pray for you to touch me. So, go ahead. If it makes you feel better, swat my ass, Rafe. Maybe it will loosen you up enough to touch me the way I want you to.”

  Rafe stepped back farther and ran his hands through his hair.

  Good. She had played into his hand and won.

  “Okay,” he finally said.

  “Okay what?”

  He didn’t move.

  Would he really spank her?

  “Okay, you win. I’ll empty the whole stinking closet of my life. But don’t say I didn’t warn you.” He pointed at her as he spoke. “Get dressed. We’ll go get a bite to eat and then head to the gym. First you can watch me fight, and then I’ll show you another side of my life.”

  Show me?

  She’d expected him to start into a long story about a series of ex-wives, a variety of kids he had on the side, some crime he’d committed as a kid, or how he hated his mother and couldn’t stand women because of something that happened in his youth. I’ll show you was the last thing she expected him to say. It made no sense.

  Katy stared at him. “You better not be shitting me. I can take the rest of my clothes off too if I have to.
” She backed out of the room. “I’ll give you this evening. If you haven’t spilled your deep dark secrets by midnight, all bets are off.”

  Katy’s hands shook as she entered the guest bedroom and pulled on her favorite jeans and the sexiest camisole she owned. Black. Like the lace he would know she wore under it.


  At six-thirty they pulled into the parking lot of the gym. Rafe turned toward her and took her face in his hands. First he kissed her, and then he spoke. “You sure about this? You can still back out?”

  “Any reason why my uncle wouldn’t approve of you?”


  “Then let’s go.” She opened her own door and followed him toward the gym. “The parking lot is crowded. How many people go to these things?”

  Rafe reached for the door. “Hundreds when we’re at a larger arena. There won’t be that many here tonight. This is just a small exhibition between a few gyms. Gives us an opportunity to spar with each other between the big matches. The real matches are in larger venues about once a month.”

  Katy couldn’t believe the noise when he opened the door. Chairs surrounded the ring where she’d witnessed Rafe getting his lights knocked out by his friend Mason that first day. Nearly every seat was taken. And there were more women than men present.

  Rafe took her hand and steered her around the edge of the crowd. She spotted her uncle at the same time he saw her. His brows rose as he approached. Rafe eased between several people standing in the back, tucking Katy behind him. She saw him nod toward Uncle Joe’s office, and then he headed that way.

  Uncle Joe pushed through the door, and Rafe led Katy inside behind them.

  “Rafe…Katy?” He lifted a brow as he sat on the front edge of his desk.

  Rafe spoke first. “We met a few weeks ago when she came to visit you.”

  Uncle Joe’s mouth turned up on one side. “Huh. Interesting.” He lowered his gaze to where Rafe still held her hand. She tried to dislodge from his grip, but he didn’t release her.

  At least he didn’t look displeased. That gave her a certain level of relief.

  Uncle Joe tapped his finger against his lips. “I can’t think what you two have in common.” He grinned after he spoke though. And then he looked at Rafe, opening his mouth to say something else.