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Standby Page 5

  “I know. I know. It’s just hard. Shit.” She took a few moments to compose herself and then continued. “At first he was mad and told me I was a tease, but then he switched gears and begged me to forgive him. He had a dozen excuses about how he was tired. His week had been stressful. Blah blah blah. I softened. We talked for a while. And then I let the asshole fuck me again.” She winced.

  “It’s okay…”

  “It’s not fucking okay,” she said, leaning back to look at the ceiling instead of the amazing man two feet away who was letting her dump all this on him.

  “Anyway, long story short. This happened one more time. I fell for his shit story about being tired and under pressure with work, and then the next time I was done. I knew things were never going to change. He was a selfish dick and didn’t give a single fuck about me.

  “So, when we arrived at the hotel, I told him I wasn’t going to his room. I essentially broke up with him in the damn elevator. But he didn’t like that, so he followed me. I wasn’t worried. That never occurred to me. I let him follow me to my room while I told him I didn’t want to see him anymore. He got all whiney and tried to convince me, but as soon as we got to my room and the door was shut, he turned on me, changed his tune, and got mean. Called me a dozen names. For the first time, I was scared. I backed against the wall while he ranted at me, hoping if I let him vent, he would eventually see how stupid he sounded, apologize like he always did, and then I could get him to leave.

  “Instead, he kept pacing and demeaning me until he finally reached out and gripped my chin so hard, I stopped breathing. My eyes bulged out. I was freaked out and scared out of my mind. And then he slammed my head against the wall. I jerked out of his grip and ran for the door, opening it wide. Told him to get the fuck out. I thought he might switch his tune and draw things out by telling me he was fucking sorry or some shit, but instead, I got lucky. He called me about five more choice names and stomped out.

  “The moment the door closed, I locked it in both places and slid to the floor. I was too numb and shocked to even cry. I just sat there, trying to catch my breath for hours before finally dragging myself to the shower and into bed.

  “That was the last time I flew on the same flight as him. Two days later, the texting and calling started. It was several weeks before he started spreading rumors. It baffles me that he thinks by telling everyone who will listen that I’m a cock tease and a bitch and frigid and a cunt and on and on that he thinks I would go out with him again.”

  A long silence filled the room while Shayla wrapped her arms around her knees and rocked slightly back and forth.

  “I’m so sorry,” Jake finally murmured, his voice rough. He slid closer. “I’m going to call for a ten-minute break from our deal so that I can hug you. Okay?”

  She nodded, not looking at him.

  He wrapped her in his arms and pulled her against his side. His hand went to her hair and stroked. His lips landed on the top of her head, kissing her gently. “The man is a dick and not worth the air he breathes. I’m proud of you for getting out of that situation. You must have been scared to death.”

  She nodded.

  “I wish there was something I could say to make the pain go away, but it’s going to take time. I promise it will get better.”

  “Probably not as long as he continues to harass me,” she told his chest.

  “Probably not. But now I know what we’re up against. I’ll see what I can dig up on him. No one that’s as dickish as he is has a clean slate in their past.”

  “And then what?” she lifted her face to look at him. “He’s like a god at the airline. Full seniority with no blemishes. No one is going to believe me over him, and frankly, I’m not willing to find out. I won’t face that kind of scrutiny.” She shuddered.

  “I can understand that. I get it. I do.”

  “I’d end up with a fucking scarlet A on my forehead and have to quit my job to avoid the stares. At least right now, it’s all rumor. I hear people muttering under their breath sometimes, but they don’t usually talk about me in front of me. The other flight attendants who know me are fully aware it’s all bullshit. Those who don’t can go fuck themselves if they want to believe Hawke.”

  Jake nodded, his hand still smoothing her hair. “How is he not causing red flags among management?”

  Shayla groaned. “He’s slick. He keeps his abuse to the flight attendants. I doubt any of the pilots even know. It’s become a low hum slowly spreading like a game of telephone. Most of the other flight attendants probably don’t even know who the fuck is saying these things. They’re just hearing that I’m a prudish cock tease. He’s trying to hurt me without hurting himself.”

  Jake sighed. “I don’t want you anywhere near him.”

  Shayla looked at him. “You think I want to be near him? My palms start sweating every time I enter the airport out of fear I’ll find him suddenly traded onto one of my flights.”

  “If that happens, you need to claim you’re suddenly too sick to work and get out of there. You can’t get on a flight with that asshole.”

  She shuddered. He was right. She still found it impossible to imagine Hawke would do anything crazy. His job would be on the line. She’d come here with Jake mostly to humor him and partly because she didn’t feel like being alone. The thought of Hawke seriously showing up to harass her in person was unimaginable.

  She extricated herself from Jake and rose to head for the kitchen. She needed more coffee and less contact with Jake. His no-touching-each-other rule was probably a good one right now because after that long hug, she definitely wanted more, and it was probably a bad idea.

  Chapter 8

  Jake followed her, hating that he no longer had her in his arms. The idea of keeping their hands off each other had been his, and now he was kicking himself for it. He wanted to change the rules.

  What he knew was that there was no way Shayla was the first woman to be harassed by Hawke Richman. The man was an asshole for sure, but there was more to it. The continued calls and texts meant that he couldn’t stand being snubbed by a woman. He liked control.

  Classic dick—lure a woman into his web with fake charm, and then gaslight her into staying with him after he proved to be a creep. Luckily, Shayla saw through it earlier rather than later. Yes, she’d been snowballed for a few dates, but she hadn’t let it go on for months. Thank God.

  “Do you know if any other flight attendants have dated him?” he asked as Shayla stirred creamer into a second cup of coffee.

  “No idea.”

  “Maybe you could ask around?”

  Shayla faced him, leaning back against the counter. “You think he’s done this before?”

  “Certain of it.”

  She sipped her coffee.

  He forced himself to keep his gaze on her face. She absolutely was not playing fair with the skimpy clothing she was wearing this morning. Her breasts for one left nothing to the imagination through the thin tank top. He’d noticed her hard nipples more than once.

  On top of that, she had amazing legs that went on and on. The few times she’d bent over to get the creamer from the fridge had left him wondering if she was wearing panties or a thong under her thin shorts. He’d seen the fucking gorgeous swell of her butt cheeks.

  “I can ask my friends if they know of anyone, but then what? I’m not sure I have it in me to confront a stranger about her previous boyfriend.”

  “It’s a longshot. Not that he’s harassed other women; I’m sure he has a long list. But they weren’t necessarily flight attendants.”

  “True.” She shoved off the counter. “I’m going to take a shower.”

  “Good idea, and while you’re at it, maybe put more clothes on,” he teased.

  She glanced over her shoulder at him, her eyes dancing. “Now that I know I’m affecting you, I think I’ll come out with even less clothing.”

  He groaned as she continued walking. “Is that even possible?” he murmured.

e must have heard him because she shot back. “Try me.”

  When she finally disappeared into the bathroom, Jake went to his office and booted up his computer. It was time to do a bit of digging into one very nasty Hawke Richman.

  It was official. Shayla did not play fair. The woman put on a very skimpy dress after her shower that made Jake do a triple take when she entered his office. He groaned.

  She grinned. “What?” She rounded to his side of the desk and leaned her butt against the surface four inches from his hand. “Thanks for letting me stay here. I’d pack up my shit and go back to my condo now that it’s daylight if I thought you’d let me. I assume you’re not going to go for that.”

  He shook his head. “Not a chance. Stay here, Shayla. Please. I’ll sleep better if I don’t have to worry about you.”

  She sighed. “Okay, but only for one week. I can’t stay here forever. If I do, he’s winning.”

  “How about we agree to renegotiate in one week?”

  She smirked. “Like we agreed to renegotiate sex in one week?” She set her hand on his desk, twisting her body toward him so that he couldn’t miss the low cut of her sundress and the swell of her breasts. She wasn’t wearing a bra.

  He lifted his brows. “Perfect timing then because after I’ve had you in my bed, you won’t want to leave.”

  She laughed. “So cocky.”

  “I call it confident.” He crossed his arms and hoped she couldn’t see the bulge in his pants. Besides the fact that her dress was skimpy, it was also short. Her long legs were no more concealed than they’d been in her shorts. And he had a strong desire to run his hand up between her thighs and find out what she was wearing underneath.

  Her phone pinged in her hand and she lifted it to glance at the screen with a sigh.


  “Yes. Every fucking day. He never tires of it.”

  “Do you read them all?”

  “Yes. If I don’t, I might miss him saying he’s going to come over or something. Even though he never actually makes good on that threat, I still want to be able to give Raeann a heads up just in case.”

  “Did you text her to let her know where you are?”

  “Yes. A few minutes ago. She’s in the air. She’ll get it when she lands.”

  “Good. Now, how about if you let me read the messages instead? Then you won’t have to stress.”

  Her shoulders dropped in relief. “Would you?”

  “Of course.” He held out his hand. “I’d prefer it if you never read or listened to a single message from that asshole. It upsets you, which he knows. That’s why he does it.”

  “Thank you. My password is eight two four six. A cross on the keypad.”

  “That’s a horrible password, Shayla.”

  She shrugged. “I know but at least I can remember it. It’s not like I have government secrets or some scandalous nudes on there.”

  He chuckled. “Darn.”

  She leaned closer, grinning evilly. “If you want to see me naked, just ask.”

  He groaned and then lowered his gaze to read the incoming text.

  You weren’t home last night. Where were you? I waited for you to return and you didn’t. You better not be fucking someone else.

  Jake gritted his teeth and forced himself to remain calm.

  “You don’t have to hide your reaction on my account, Jake. I’m used to his texts. I assume he’s insinuated that he came to my condo and I wasn’t there. He does that. I have no idea if it’s true or not. I’ve never seen him. He just likes to make me think he’s watching me all the time.”

  Jake lifted his gaze. “How have you not lost your mind for the past three months?”

  She shrugged. “I’m strong. I’m exhausted, but I refuse to give him what he wants.”

  “Well, it’s awful and I’m sorry this is happening to you. I’ll do my best to come up with a way to make it stop.” His gaze softened and he let it slide up and down her amazing body. “Now, move your sweet butt away from my desk so I can get back to work.”

  She glanced at his computer. “You’re working on a Sunday morning?”

  He shook his head as he reached for his mouse. “Not officially. I’m digging around in your stalker’s personal life.”

  She gasped. “You can do that?”

  He grinned at her. “Sweetheart, I can do anything. I’m a computer god.”

  “Again with the cocky.”

  He chuckled and pointed toward the door. “Out. You’re a distraction.”

  “That was the point.” She shook out her long silky black hair so that it brushed against his arm.

  He glanced at the spot. “You’re touching me.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Hair can’t count.”

  He pointed at the door to his office. “Out.” He couldn’t keep from smiling as he ordered her from his office, ruining the effect of his demand.

  She humphed as she shoved off his desk and padded from the room, her fantastic ass swaying all the way to the door.

  Jake forced himself to concentrate on Hawke Richman’s private life. The man was squeaky clean on paper. One divorce two decades ago that must have ended a very young marriage. No kids. Not even a traffic ticket.

  Jake hated guys like him. Thought they owned the world. Bossy. Demanding. Self-absorbed. Polite when it was necessary. An asshole as soon as no one was looking.

  Why had he picked Shayla? How many others had there been? And how long did he usually harass women before giving up?

  Chapter 9

  The beginning of the week went fairly normal for Shayla. She worked the same out-and-back route Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. By Wednesday, she was confident she wouldn’t run into Hawke on this flight. Not even in the airport or the lounge.

  When she arrived at the gate, she was a few minutes early. The flight attendants from the previous flight were still exiting. Two of them hesitated when they saw Shayla and then glanced at each other. They didn’t even bother to hide their distaste.

  The hairs on the back of Shayla’s neck stood on end when they rolled their eyes and chuckled. She rarely felt confrontational, but this was getting old fast, so she stepped in front of them. “Is something funny?”

  She didn’t even know their names, but the one who cocked her head at Shayla had a name tag that read Marcy. “I’m not sure funny is the right word, but you should know everyone thinks you’re a fool.”

  “Is that so? And why’s that?”

  “Because Hawke is obviously one of the sexiest pilots working for the airline. He’s kind and fun to work with too. Anyone can see that. I can’t think of a single reason to snub him.”

  Shayla narrowed her gaze. “Did you ever consider perhaps asking me for a reason instead of listening to rumors?”

  The other woman, whose name tag read Darla, grabbed her friend’s arm. “Let’s go.”

  Marcy held firm then. “Fine. What’s your reason?”

  “Because he’s an abusive prick. But you don’t deserve the details.”

  Marcy rolled her eyes again. “If he’s such a prick, why haven’t you stood up for yourself before now?”

  “Because people like you aren’t worth my explanation and when you walk away from me, you will return to your gossip, not believing a word I’ve said.” Shayla lifted a brow in challenge.

  “That’s for sure.” Marcy walked right on past Shayla, head held high.

  Darla at least had the decency to look back as she followed her friend. Her expression was sorrowful, but she wasn’t swayed enough to stand with Shayla. And that was why Shayla never spoke about her problem. It wasn’t just management who wouldn’t believe her. Coworkers, even women, could be cruel. Fine. Let Marcy have him. She deserved a man like Hawke.

  Shayla was flustered as she entered the plane, and a few minutes later, she found that her partner for the day was Heather Kotter. She didn’t know Heather well, but the woman had always been pleasant and fun to work with. She had gorgeous long, curly brown hair th
at bounced with every move and wouldn’t seem to stay put wherever Heather pinned it.

  When Heather turned around to face Shayla, she swallowed and licked her lips. “Hey.”

  Shayla sighed. Apparently, the rumors had gotten to Heather too. Great. Why on earth did so many women take Hawke’s word as gold without bothering to fact-check the information? It was infuriating, but Shayla held her head high as usual. She wasn’t about to instigate another conversation about lies about herself. If people wanted to believe that shit, let them.

  She boarded the plane and started going through the preboarding procedures without looking directly at Heather. Heather worked alongside Shayla without commenting either. Work was going to get uncomfortable if everyone started treating Shayla like a leper. Of course, she knew several flight attendants personally and none of them would engage in this gossip train, but Open Skies employed hundreds of people. Shayla would have to work with dozens of them every week. She needed to ignore the stares and do her job. A job she loved. Confrontations like the one she’d just had before boarding were useless.

  It wasn’t long before passengers started boarding. The flight was almost full, so there was no time to dwell on the tension between Shayla and Heather. She did her job, took care of the passengers, and served snacks and drinks.

  Eventually, she had to speak to Heather, and the two of them communicated everything that was necessary, cordially, but Shayla hated this situation. She wondered if she should instigate defending herself again today. If she chose that route, she’d be doing so every damn day.

  “Hey, I don’t know if you’ve heard the rumors about me, but they aren’t true. I’m not a cockblocker. I didn’t do any of the things you may have heard about me. The gorgeous, sexy, well-loved pilot is lying about me.”

  Sure. That went over well.

  When the flight landed, Shayla busied herself assisting a few older passengers and then cleaning up the plane. They only had thirty minutes before it would board for the return flight. It wasn’t difficult to fill the time.