Starting Over Page 6
I frown. “That doesn’t sound fun.”
“Then I guess you won’t misbehave often.” He smiles and takes a step back, his hand sliding into mine. “Come. Let’s go for that walk.”
I hop down from the step and let him lead me.
He glances at me as we enter a path behind his cabin.
“I didn’t know this was here,” I muse. “I haven’t had time to explore the area.”
He squeezes my hand. “And you won’t do any such thing without me, understood?”
I roll my eyes. “Remember the part about me being a grown woman?”
He stops walking, faces me, and takes my chin in his fingers. When he has my attention, he looks into my eyes. “Remember the part about me being an overprotective Daddy?”
I swallow but opt for defiance. “Remember the part about me not being Little?”
“Remember the part about me not buying that?” He’s almost grinning now.
I groan. “Are you always this argumentative?”
“Only when I’m right, and I’m not kidding about exploring. Don’t wander around without me. It’s not safe. There really are animals out here. I’d be worried out of my mind if you went off alone. Please, if you consent to nothing else, at least do that one thing for me. Humor the Daddy in me.”
“Okay,” I whisper.
He lifts a brow.
I inhale deeply. “Yes, Sir.”
“Good girl.” He lets my chin go and resumes walking, still holding my hand.
Does he know I’m trembling with so many conflicting emotions and feelings it’s hard to take each step?
He walks slowly, making it easy for me to keep up with his much longer legs. He never releases my hand except to occasionally set his on my waist to guide me around a tree stump or a rock.
“Who maintains these trails?” I ask.
“I do.”
“Even with no one here for five years?”
“Yep. They were a bit overgrown when I first got here, but I worked on them hard that first year. They aren’t as difficult to maintain now.”
“How many trails are there?”
“Several.” He points at a green marker as we approach a fork in the path. “This one has a loop. We’ll take it to the left and come out right back here from the right. I’ll show them all to you on a map so you’ll be familiar enough to give some guidance to visitors, but I meant what I said, don’t ever wander off alone.”
“Yes, Sir.” I agree because he’s right. Even if he weren’t Daddying me, it would be irresponsible to wander around on trails I don’t know well.
After a few minutes, I look at him. “It’s so nice out. It hasn’t rained since I got here. The weather has been perfect. I bet there are weeks with incessant rain and others when the snow won’t stop.”
“Yep. On both counts.”
“What will the guests do here when it’s too cold to go outside to swim or hike? Do you think we’ll get enough visitors in the winter?”
“Not sure yet, but I suspect we will. It’s so beautiful here—even when it’s cold. Guests can sit on the back porch all bundled up and watch the snow fall. The mountains and valleys in the distance are gorgeous. There’s also a hot tub at one end of the pool. I cover the pool when it gets cold, but the hot tub stays open.”
“Oh, I can’t wait to see the view in the winter.”
He gives my hand a squeeze. “There’s also a huge basement. Have you been down there yet?”
I shake my head.
“Part of the basement is an enormous room with hardwood floors where we could have dance classes or yoga or aerobics. Any number of things. There’s also a theater on one end.”
I turn toward him, eyes wide. “Seriously?”
“Yep. It was in disrepair when I moved here, but I’ve fixed it up and modernized the surround sound. Littles can watch animated movies or later, after they’ve gone to bed, caregivers can relax in front of something more grown-up.”
“Sounds like you did a lot of work on the property.”
“Yep. I was bored, so I looked around, figured out what needed to be done, and started renovating the older sections. There are still sections of the basement to renovate when we figure out what we want to do with the other rooms. I’m not a carpenter, mind you. It took me a while to learn how to do a lot of things. Thank goodness for Google.”
I grin.
“I knew eventually Roman would either decide to do something with the place or sell it. Either way, my work would not be for naught. Besides, Lucy lit up every time he brought her here after I finished renovating a new section. It was worth it just to impress her.”
“I bet.” Lucy is one of the sweetest Littles I know. She and Master Roman have been together for eight years. They were the cutest couple when I met them and they still are today. They love each other so much it makes everyone around them jealous.
Granted, Surrender has a lot of couples who have been together for many years. The club is known for its community of caregivers and Littles, so it attracts many of the locals who enjoy age play.
“You’re thinking awfully hard, sweet girl.”
I glance at Foster again. “I was thinking about how many happy couples besides Master Roman and Lucy belong to Surrender.”
“Yeah. It is kind of nice, isn’t it?”
We’ve returned to the spot where we started and Foster leads me back to his cabin. He glances at his watch. “There’s still plenty of time before you need to start dinner.” He nods toward the porch swing. “Want to sit?”
After leading me to the swing, he grabs me by the hips, lifts me up, and sets me on the seat.
I giggle. “I could have managed.”
“I’m sure you could. I’m certain you can do anything you set your mind to, but doesn’t it feel nice to let someone else help out?”
I lean into him as he sits next to me and settles his arm along the back of the swing behind my head. “Maybe.” I’m noncommittal on this. He’s going to pressure me to see his way every chance he gets.
Perhaps that should stress me out, but for some reason, I’m more intrigued by what he might come up with next than anything else.
He gives the swing a gentle push every time it comes back to center. There’s no way I could reach the porch floor to do the same thing. I’d be stuck sitting here with no movement without him. I lean in closer and wrap my arm around his broad chest. “Thank you.”
He slides his hand down around my shoulders. “For what, sweet girl?”
I tip my head back. “For understanding that I need some time and space. For nudging me without pressuring me. For the amazing kiss that stopped the world from spinning. For pushing the swing when my legs are too short.”
He chuckles. I love the way it feels under my palm and against my cheek. His lips come to my forehead and he kisses me there. “You’re most welcome, Amelia. Any time.”
We swing in silence for a while before Foster speaks again. “Will you do something for me, Amelia?”
“What’s that?”
“I know you’re uncertain, and I can be as patient as you need me to be, but for now, will you at least let me see to your safety? Will you let me walk you to your cabin at night and humor me while I ensure you’re safe and secure? Will you call me if you need something from the high cabinets instead of climbing up on the counters to get to them? I’m really just being a good guy in both cases. If you’d rather not think of me as a Daddy, think of me as a chivalrous man who wouldn’t want any woman to do something dangerous. Okay?”
“Okay.” How can I say no to that? Plus, my panties are damp and my thighs are clamped together from listening to his speech. “Were you watching me climb up on the counters to rearrange things?”
“Yes,” he admits, staring at me. “I’ll probably watch you a lot. I like watching you. Plus, I like making sure you’re safe.”
“You can’t boss me around in my kitchen, Foster. I know how to use a stove a
nd an oven. I will use giant knives with the sharpest blades possible. I will carry hot things around. I’m a chef.” I lift a brow in challenge.
He nods. “I’ll do my best to rein in my instincts.”
I pat his chest. “Good. If you can’t hold your tongue while I’m working, you’ll alienate me fast.”
“Good. Now walk me back to my kitchen so I don’t get attacked by lizards or insects or something on the way.”
He shocks me when he wraps his arm around me firmer and rolls me forward so I tumble face-first against his lap.
I squeal as he swats my bottom three times before lifting me off his lap and standing me on my feet. I’m so disoriented I gasp, eyes wide. “Why’d you do that?”
He winks with a grin. “Just a taste of what to expect if you give me that sassy attitude again, sweet girl.”
I rub my butt. It stings. He has a heavy hand. “You’re going to feel awfully bad if I get stung by something or trip and fall on my face on my way to the kitchen.”
He chuckles. “I can’t promise you won’t get stung when the insects come out in the evening, but I’ll do my best to make sure you don’t fall while walking. Is that usually a problem for you? I could carry you if it is,” he teases.
“Ha-ha.” I reach for his hand and tug. “Come on. I need to get back.”
He rises and surprises me again by lifting me off my feet with his hands at my waist. He holds me tight against his chest so we’re eye to eye. That’s when he kisses me for the second time. It’s just as good as the first, and I’m unsteady and worried I really might trip and fall when he finally sets me down.
Chapter 7
* * *
I’m exhausted when I get back to my cabin after dinner. It’s been a long day that started super early and had a very stressful middle. Everyone loved the lasagna I made and agreed it would need to be a regular staple on the menu.
Leah and Craig returned about an hour before dinner, and Foster joined us at the big table in the kitchen at six-thirty. It was slightly awkward because Leah kept giving me a look and glancing at Foster. I know she has questions, but I simply don’t have answers, so I’m grateful she didn’t nail me down and give me the third degree.
Foster helped me clean the kitchen after Leah and Craig excused themselves. I told him repeatedly it was my job, but he insisted he wasn’t going to sit on a stool and watch me clean. It wasn’t in his nature.
I pointed out I had no intention of helping him mow the lawn or skim the pool, which only made him laugh.
The infuriating man walked me to my door like a perfect gentleman, kissed me briefly, and waited for me to close and lock it behind me before leaving me to myself.
That was thirty minutes ago. Thirty long minutes. I’ve tidied things that didn’t need tidying, wandered around the small space aimlessly, and now I’m sitting in the bath.
I’ve been living alone for three years. I’ve loved every moment of my time alone. I’ve loved being able to return to my apartment no matter the hour, finding everything right where I left it, and enjoying the solitude.
I’ve loved watching whatever I want on TV, playing my own music, or enjoying the silence.
So, what the hell is wrong with me tonight? I’m lonely. It’s like Foster got under my skin and turned me into someone I don’t recognize. I should climb into bed with a good book and read. Maybe not Submissive Confessions, but perhaps a thriller or a suspense. Do I have either of those genres in my e-reader? I doubt it.
I run my fingers through the bubbles floating around me. The water is getting cool. I’ve already reheated it twice. I need to get out. I’m going to be a prune.
Reluctantly, I let the water run down the drain, stand, and grab my towel. I’m unnerved by the random thoughts going through my head.
If Foster were here, I bet he would have washed me, and now he would be patting me dry. He’s overbearing like that. I wonder how young he likes his Littles to live? Considering the fact that I’ve never pondered being a Little long enough to know what I would enjoy, I find myself craving some of his brand of attention, whatever it might look like.
I brush my teeth before hanging my towel up on the rack and padding naked into my bedroom. After grabbing a pink thong from my drawer, I reach for a T-shirt and hesitate.
Chewing on my bottom lip, I glance toward the closet. My Little-exploration box is calling to me. Maybe that’s not a bad thing. Maybe tonight I could let myself relax in a younger space. It might help me settle down and get to sleep.
It might cause me to toss and turn all night with thoughts of Foster dominating me.
I close the drawer and shuffle timidly toward the closet as if there might be a monster inside instead of the looming box. Standing in nothing but my thong, I take a deep breath, open the closet, and tug the box forward a few inches so I can open it and reach inside.
I pull out my footed pajamas first and step into them before zipping up the front to my chin. Next, I grab my teddy bear. The moment I hug him to my chest, I let out a deep breath.
Perhaps this was the perfect idea. I reach back into the box and retrieve one of my YA books before dashing back to my bed. I turn off the lights and snuggle under the covers with my book light and my reading material.
Yes. Perfect. I can feel my tension easing. I’ve only done this three other times. All three times I did it for an entire weekend. Tonight, I only have another hour at best, but I know it will help.
I open the book to chapter one and start reading, losing myself in the story, separating myself from reality. A reality I’m not ready to face. Not tonight. The book is appropriate for someone about twelve, and I imagine if I were a practicing Little, I’d be more of a Middle. Older. Not as young as Foster probably prefers. He likes to do things for me. I prefer to be old enough to do them for myself.
I glance down at my footed pajamas and chuckle. I doubt a twelve-year-old would wear something this young, but she might, and she might have a teddy bear. She would for sure read a chapter book.
After a few minutes, a noise makes me poke my head out from under the covers. Did I imagine it? I hold my breath, waiting.
There. Again. It’s a scratching noise. Coming from outside. Perhaps at the front door or at least the front of the cabin.
I’m frozen. When it happens again, louder, I start to panic. What could it be? There aren’t any people around. I know Foster wouldn’t mess with me like this. He would never do something to scare me. Leah and Craig went to bed a long time ago—or at least to their suite of rooms upstairs.
Foster said there are animals out here. Could it be a bear or something? Bears are smart. If they smell food, they can open car doors and rip them right off the hinges to get to it. I’ve seen it in documentaries. They always scare the shit out of me.
Another loud scratch. I drop my book and my light in my lap as I sit up straighter. My heart is racing. Suddenly, I’m beyond grateful to Foster because there’s a laminated phone list next to the phone on the bedside table. Every room and cabin has one. Since there’s no cell service out here, the only way to place calls even among employees is with a landline.
I reach for the cordless phone on my bedside table and push the buttons to dial Foster’s number with shaky fingers.
He picks up immediately. “Amelia?”
“There’s something outside my cabin,” I ramble. “It’s scaring me. Maybe it’s a bear or a cougar or whatever. Could you maybe come look?”
“Slow down, sweet girl. Don’t panic. I’ll be right there. Where are you?”
“In my bed.”
“Okay, don’t move. I’ll check out the perimeter and let myself in. I have a key.”
“Okay. Hurry.” I hang up. Am I being irrational? Maybe, but he doesn’t have to worry about me disobeying him this time. There’s no way I’m getting out of this bed. I couldn’t if I wanted to. I’m trembling too badly.
I hear the noise again. Is it getting
louder? I feel like I’m in a horror movie.
I hold my breath and count slowly, knowing it can’t take Foster more than thirty seconds to get to me. Maybe forty-five if he wasn’t dressed. He would have had to put shoes on, and… I hear a snapping noise that makes me squeal.
A knock sounds at the door a second before it opens. “It’s just me, Amelia,” he announces. Seconds later, he’s in my bedroom. He flips on the overhead light and rushes to my side.
I scramble out from the tangle of covers to crawl toward him and wrap my arms around him as soon as he sits on the edge of the bed. He holds me tight.
“You’re okay. It was just a branch.”
I gasp and lean back to meet his gaze. “A branch?”
“Yes. It’s windy tonight. It snapped part way off the tree near the front of your cabin and got stuck on the eave. It was dragging back and forth along the door and the window.” He smooths my hair back from my face.
“A branch?” I’m incredulous. And I feel ridiculous.
He nods. “It would have freaked me out too. I bet it was loud.” At least he’s not being condescending. I’m embarrassed enough as it is.
“A branch,” I repeat softer.
“I’ll cut the longer branches back on that tree tomorrow so it won’t happen again.” He sets his hand on my chest. “Your heart is racing.”
I squeeze my eyes closed when his gaze lowers and he freezes. This is the moment it occurs to me I’m wearing the footed pajamas with teddy bears all over them.
It’s my turn to freeze. I stop breathing again. Shit.
Moments tick by while he absorbs what he’s looking at and I wait for his reaction. My cheeks are hot. Shit shit shit.
“I, uh…” I don’t know what to say.
Foster leans back a few more inches, holding my biceps. He takes in more of me and then glances around at my open book, my light, and my teddy bear which is unfortunately in my lap where he landed and got dragged to the edge of the bed with me.
Without a word, Foster slowly stands. He grabs me around the waist and picks me up, bringing me to his chest. I wrap my legs around him out of instinct, finding myself propped on his hip.