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Three's A Cruise Page 2
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Page 2
Kicking off his shoes, Jordan headed to the bar. He nodded at the king-sized bed. “Have a seat. Who wants a drink?”
“I’ll just have water. I don’t like to drink too much in strange places.” Nathan chuckled. “I hate waking up not knowing where I am.” It had happened. He didn’t want a repeat performance. Not to mention, he had to be at work bright and early tomorrow.
Haley pulled off her shoes, settled up against the headboard and tucked her legs in Indian-style. “I’ll have a glass of wine. Red if there is any.” Haley wrapped a lock of strawberry blonde curls behind one ear and gazed up at Nathan. She opened her mouth as if to say something and then closed it just as quickly.
The woman was a pixie. Tiny compared to even Jordan. Dwarfed by Nathan. But what she lacked in size, he was certain she made up for in personality. She was a pistol. Sexy as hell with her shiny curls and long eyelashes. She wore very little makeup and she didn’t need it. He loved the way her cheeks flushed when she got aroused. He could practically smell her need to be touched from next to the bed.
Jordan returned, balancing three drinks—a bottle of water, a beer and a glass of red wine.
“Thanks.” Nathan took the water and sat on the edge of the bed. The plastic was cool to the touch and he wished it wouldn’t seem odd to roll the bottle across his forehead. Regardless of the cool breeze coming in from the open door, it was hot in here. Or maybe it was just him.
Jordan took a long drink of his beer and set the bottle on the end table. He watched Haley tip her head back and swallow a gulp of the wine, and then the man leaned in and kissed her on the lips. For a moment it seemed neither of them remembered Nathan was in the room.
Haley reached for him then around Jordan’s body. “Join us?”
Nathan hesitated. The couple was very much in love. There was little doubt. Had they really done this before as they’d implied? He didn’t want to ruin their relationship if this was all just a game to them, an experimentation that might go bad when they really gave it a shot. It took an extremely solid, committed relationship to withstand letting another man in for a taste.
It was rare.
Nathan knew better than most. Until a year ago he’d been in a long-term arrangement with two other people. The sex had been fantastic, but after a few years the tension had begun to wear on them. Jealousy had got in the way when two of them had had sex and left one party out. They’d all three gone their separate ways, leaving Nathan wondering if such a threesome were really possible in the long run.
Nathan was attracted to both sexes. It wasn’t really a gay or hetero thing for him, more of an attraction to another person, sometimes female, sometimes male. Both Jordan and Haley made his cock harder than he’d ever remembered being in his life. What were the chances?
When he’d first seen Haley on the dance floor, he’d frozen to the spot and just stared at her sexy ass shaking to the rhythm. When she’d received him with a warm smile, he’d died and gone to heaven. The moment Jordan had arrived and wrapped his arms around his girlfriend, Nathan had nearly swallowed his tongue. The man was chiselled from the best granite. The world had frozen in that moment while Nathan had begged God to let him have these two people.
God was good.
Nathan climbed onto the bed and ran a hand across Haley’s thigh, squeezing her flesh through the confines of the tight jeans. The material hugged her to perfection, as though custom made to fit her frame. Hell, what did he know? Maybe her clothing was designer. He wouldn’t know designer clothing if it hit him in the head, but these people seemed affluent. After all, they were on a glorious vacation in Miami on the fifteenth floor of a fine hotel.
Nathan was in Miami to work. Without that, he couldn’t have afforded the airfare even to get there. He didn’t care. He got by just fine. His job was always entertaining and fulfilling and afforded him many opportunities. He worked to live, not the other way around. His parents and siblings had always shaken their heads at him and told him he could do better, but he didn’t see their angle.
His life was perfect just the way it was.
Jordan released Haley’s mouth and grappled with her to untangle her legs. When he finally pulled them straight, he dragged her frame down the bed, forcing her supine. “That’s better.”
Leaning across her, Jordan turned his gaze to Nathan. “You gonna watch? Or you wanna join?” His eyebrows rose in question. The rise and fall of his tone indicated he was serious. He didn’t mind either way. He was just asking.
Nathan smiled at him and leaned the short distance of separation between them until his head pressed against Jordan’s above Haley’s chest.
He licked his lips and watched Jordan’s reaction. The man didn’t flinch. Jordan countered by licking his own lips.
Tentatively, Nathan gripped Jordan’s shoulder and gave a subtle tug. The man closed the gap and took Nathan’s mouth with his own.
Nathan exhaled on a long moan as Jordan claimed his lips, angling his head and diving inside with his tongue in a nanosecond.
Fuck, that kiss knocked Nathan off his balance. The man could kiss. He didn’t hold back. As soon as Jordan let him in, Nathan toured the recesses of Jordan’s mouth like a starving man. Jordan tasted of beer and mint, an odd combination that somehow made Nathan’s cock even harder. He longed to have these firm unfaltering lips wrapped around his dick.
Speaking of his rock-hard shaft, through the haze of the best kiss he could remember, Nathan became aware of tiny fingers wrapping themselves around his length. Even through his jeans, he grew harder. He could feel the warmth of the palm surrounding him.
Sweet heaven on earth.
Nathan broke the kiss and glanced down to see Haley, each of her hands wrapped around the cocks above her breasts. She smiled at them, her eyes saucers. “Don’t stop on my account.”
“I don’t know about you, but I think it’s awfully warm in here. I could go with fewer clothes.”
Nathan raised his gaze at Jordan’s words and watched as the man whipped his T-shirt over his head. The tight black material had been about as sexy as a man could get in Nathan’s opinion, but now that it was gone, Nathan sucked in a breath and held it. Firm pecs filled his gaze. Jordan may not have been as large as Nathan, but he rivalled him in the gym.
Beneath a fine dusting of black hair, Jordan’s nipples pebbled while Nathan stared.
He must have taken too long to move—which wasn’t hard to believe because he was still wrapping his mind around his good fortune—because the next thing he realised was Jordan unbuttoning the front of Nathan’s own shirt, languidly, without taking his gaze off Nathan’s face.
With a half-smile, Jordan spoke again. “Do I have to do everything?”
Nathan let Jordan continue. He didn’t think he could hold his hands steady enough at that moment to push buttons through holes anyway. Instead he reached for Jordan’s chest and flicked his finger over a nipple. Jordan flinched, but didn’t stop his mission to get Nathan divested of his shirt.
“You’re not helping.” Jordan chuckled as he plucked the last button free and pushed the material off Nathan’s shoulders. He didn’t lose contact, though. He kept both hands firmly against Nathan’s shoulders and ran them down over his pecs, moulding his hands to Nathan’s muscles as he went lower and lower. “Smooth. Haley likes a smooth tanned chest, don’t you, babe?”
Both men looked down. Haley’s eyes were clouded. She gazed back and forth between the men. She still held both cocks, but her hands were steady, nearly gripping now to hang on for dear life rather than exploring.
Nathan wanted her naked. Now.
With a raised eyebrow at Jordan, he nodded in her direction.
“Go ahead. Unwrap. She’s exquisite.” Jordan sat back next to Haley and nodded towards his girlfriend.
Nathan turned his attention back to the sexy goddess beneath him and leant down to take her mouth. She was divine. Firm and sure like Jordan. She took as good as she gave in a duelling of tongues that made Nat
han decide, if he died right then, life would have been worth it.
Haley reached for Nathan’s chest and ran her palms up to his shoulders, gripping him firmly in place over her mouth.
Nathan grinned against her. Did she think she held some sort of power? She was beneath him, two men in fact, and she weighed, what, one-twenty soaking wet?
Fine. Let her think she was controlling things for a few minutes. What could it hurt? In no time at all, Nathan intended to have her writhing beneath him, begging and pleading to be pushed over the edge.
We’ll see who’s in control then.
While Nathan took his time exploring Haley’s mouth, he reached between their bodies and untied the loose knot on the short blouse she wore. He then went to work on the few buttons holding the white material together over her bra. His fingers were surprisingly more agile than a few minutes ago when he couldn’t seem to remember his own shirt was even on.
As soon as he worked the last button loose, Nathan pulled back to stare down at his prize.
Fuck, she was hot. Haley’s pink lace bra did nothing to conceal her arousal. Rosy nipples poked forward behind the nearly transparent material. Her chest heaved under his perusal and he couldn’t resist reaching up and flicking the front clasp open with one hand.
As though he’d never seen breasts before, Nathan grazed his fingertips over her perfect soft skin and watched as goose bumps covered her flesh and her nipples puckered even harder.
Nathan flicked his thumb over one distended tip and Haley arched into his touch, moaning as though she were on the edge of an orgasm already.
A glance at her face proved him right. “Uh-uh. You don’t get off that easy,” he teased, removing his touch from her chest and watching as Haley exhaled and lay back against the bed. Nathan turned towards Jordan. “Is she always this responsive?”
“Yep. Pretty much. Especially when we do something like this.”
‘Like this’ hung in the air. A threesome.
“She’ll orgasm at our command even just watching us fuck each other if we tell her to,” Jordan continued.
Was that a suggestion? Nathan adjusted his cock and then decided there was no need for the pretence. He popped the button constraining his erection and slid the zipper down.
With an exhale of relief he sat back and wiggled out of his jeans, taking his boxers and socks with them. He looked back at Jordan. “We could do that. Maybe later. I rather like the idea of watching her come undone the first time.”
He waited a beat, staring at Jordan, challenging the man to join him with just a look.
Jordan stood beside the bed and got to work on his own jeans. “You get rid of hers. I’ll get rid of mine.”
Nathan didn’t need another nudge. He ran his hands up Haley’s legs from her knees to her waist, his thumbs brushing firmly across her sex on the way.
Haley squirmed, but didn’t stop him. She even lifted her ass to help when he tugged the tight stretchy material off her. Her pink thong that might match the bra remained in place. Who cared if the set were a match? The thong consisted of about an ounce of scrap material and covered almost as much of her.
A dip in the bed made Nathan glance to his left. Jordan crawled towards them, took a seat next to Haley and ran his hand from the base to the tip of his cock. Nathan would have choked if he’d been able to swallow. Cum dripped from the tip and he longed to lean forward and lick that drip off the head of the thick hard dick only inches from his mouth.
“Do it.” Haley’s voice reached him as though from far away. “I want to watch.”
As though in a trance, Nathan obeyed, leaning forward until he could run his tongue over Jordan’s mushroom-shaped head. The taste was salty and masculine. He inhaled the scent of the soap Jordan had used to shower earlier. Clean hard cock bobbed in front of him, held steady only by the grip Jordan had on himself.
“That’s so fucking hot.” Haley’s mumbled words were barely intelligible. The pounding in Nathan’s ears blocked out nearly every sensory perception.
Reminded now of the woman he was leaning across to get that taste, Nathan turned back towards her. He needed to see her better, spread her out before him. With the delicate movements of a man undressing the most fragile of beings, Nathan pulled the blouse and bra from Haley’s body and tossed them on the floor.
When he finished, she arched her chest towards him. Without being touched, her nipples begged for attention.
Jordan set a hand on Nathan’s back and grazed his fingers up his spine. “Suck her tits…if you like to see writhing.”
Nathan leant down and took one pointed nipple between his lips, flicking the tip with his tongue while gently biting down.
“Oh…my…God.” Haley nearly shot off the bed. She gripped Nathan with both hands on his shoulders and he had no idea if she was pulling or pushing him. What he did know was that he didn’t like her to have control over this encounter.
Nathan released her nipple with a pop and turned to Jordan who had positioned himself behind Nathan and was currently beginning a torturous meandering of palms and fingers up Nathan’s thighs and back. “Can I restrain her?”
He pointedly didn’t ask Haley the question. It wasn’t her call. If the woman enjoyed bondage and thrived under it, Nathan wanted Jordan to make that decision. It was one thing to tie up one’s own woman and drive her mad with need. It was asking a lot to tie up someone else’s girlfriend.
A long slow smile spread across Jordan’s face. “Oh, hell yeah.” He jumped off the bed and returned a moment later with a black backpack.
Holy fuck, the man brings a bag of sex toys on vacation?
“Hales?” Jordan asked. “You okay?”
“I will be if one of you would just fuck me. I can’t stand the suspense.”
“Is she always this pushy? Demanding?”
“Sometimes, but when she is, I usually put an end to it quick.” Jordan winked at Nathan from behind. Haley couldn’t see what was coming out of the bag.
The first item was a blindfold, which Jordan handed to Nathan, motioning with a nod to put it on her.
Nathan didn’t even raise an eyebrow. He grabbed the thick black material and whipped it over Haley’s head, securing it firmly behind her.
While he did that, Jordan crawled to one side and took Haley’s hand to pull it up above her head.
“I don’t get to watch?” She pouted, even pushing her bottom lip out. Nathan licked that lip and then bit it gently between his teeth. “Later, sweet. Later.”
Imitating Jordan’s movements, Nathan lifted Haley’s other arm above her head, and between the two men they locked her tiny wrists into the soft cuffs Jordan had produced and secured her to the bed frame.
Haley moaned. “Please.”
“I love it when she begs.” Jordan climbed back down the mattress towards the backpack of tricks. Next he pulled out a ball gag that made Nathan’s eyebrows arch. “Just in case she can’t behave. We don’t want the neighbours calling security.”
Nathan took the gag and set it by Haley’s face, allowing the rubber to touch her cheek in warning. She groaned again and bit her lower lip into her mouth.
“Stop that. It’s distracting.” Nathan pulled her chin and released the lip. Next, he leant down, kissed that offended lip and sucked it into his mouth. “Thirsty?” he asked when he’d released her.
Haley didn’t acknowledge him. Nathan reached for her wine, took a swig into his mouth, and then resumed the intimate kiss, releasing the smooth red wine between Haley’s parted lips.
“Mmm.” She swallowed around the moan. He did it again.
Nathan wiggled down to straddle Haley’s legs. When he pulled the scrap of lace aside to see her sex, he sucked in a breath. “She shaves.”
“Except when I shave her myself, yes.” Jordan grabbed one side of Haley’s thong and tugged while Nathan grabbed the other. In an instant, they had her naked.
Nathan settled between her legs, pushing them as wide as he dared. “Now
that’s the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.” He wasn’t an inexperienced man, but he’d never had a woman who would shave for him. At least not entirely. “Is she more sensitive this way?” Was that even possible? The squirming nymph he currently held down was threatening to come before he touched her.
Jordan didn’t answer. Instead he took Nathan’s ass cheeks with both hands and began to massage them.
It was hard to concentrate on the two opposing forces warring inside Nathan. The sexiest sweetest pussy he’d ever seen before him and the hottest man he’d ever been with threatening to undo him from behind simultaneously.
“Lick her, but I’m warning you. She won’t last.”
Nathan didn’t want her to come too fast. He wanted to watch her writhe, her chest heaving and falling, her mouth hanging open, poised to beg.
There was little doubt that was what was on the tip of her tongue and it made Nathan smile. He let his gaze settle once more on her pussy, grateful Jordan was taking his time behind him. If the man started probing too soon, Nathan would surely go blind and miss out on the Haley Show.
Nathan pressed his cock into the bed and prayed he could keep from coming just as prematurely as Haley.
A long inhale of Haley’s pussy forced a low groan to escape Nathan’s lips. He didn’t like to lose control like that, but it couldn’t be helped. To keep himself from sounding out again, he settled his mouth against her opening and dipped his tongue in as deep as he could.
She’s so wet. Moisture dripped down from her pussy in a trail to her ass. Would they breach her tight rosebud this evening? At this rate, Nathan wouldn’t get two hours’ sleep before he had to go to work in the morning. Tomorrow was going to be a long day. Right now, he just didn’t care.
Nathan held Haley firm, parting her thighs a bit wider. He pulled back from her pussy when she stiffened. “Not yet, baby. Hold on for a while.”
He glanced at her face as her head rolled from side to side, her mouth parted.
Fuck, she was hot.
Resuming his torture, Nathan licked a circle around her clit and then leaned his cheek against her bare skin to rub his face on her smooth warmth. Mercy, she was going to be the death of him. Both Haley and Jordan actually. A noise behind him alerted Nathan to the distinct pop of a lid. Lube. Seconds later, cool lubricant touched his skin and Jordan wasted no time pushing a digit into Nathan’s ass.